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Reply to "California road trip ideas"

Mrs. Briggs -


There are roads aplenty in California.  Where you go depends on your family's interests.  Pick a theme and the route will take care of itself.  


Would you say that your family more enjoys scenic routes or taking advantage of what cities have to offer ?  Mountains or ocean ?   Would you like to see gardens or maybe  historical homes ?  Maybe your crowd would go for a trip that strings together movie filming locations or old west towns ?    What are your hobbies ?  -  shopping for antiques ? photography ? classic cars ?  outdoor sports ?  wine making ?


There are lots of good airfares from Atlanta to the West Coast.    Not sure if you will be using your own car or a one-way or a roundtrip car/van rental.  You can find bargain fares from Atlanta into Portland, OR, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and San Diego.


Give us an idea of your interests and the likely month of travel.  We can come up with suggestions for your Must See List.


