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Win a chance to jump off a bridge


Strange as it may seem, West Virginia Tourism is holding a contest whose prize is the right to jump off the New River Gorge Bridge in the newest U.S. National Park.

The event is part of the annual Bridge Day celebration on October 23, when BASE jumpers and other daredevils are allowed to legally parachute from the bridge into the steep gorge of what is, ironically, one of America's oldest rivers.

The winner will make a tandem jump, together with Sean Chuma, who has completed more BASE jumps than anyone else in the world. Chuma has over 4,000 skydives and 7,400 BASE jumps.

To enter the contest, go to, fill out the form and answer the written questions, then click submit. Entries must be made by Friday, September 30. One winner will be selected based on their interest and excitement for Bridge Day. Entries will be reviewed and judged by a committee.

For those with less adventure, or possibly more sense, in the minds, it's also possible to visit the park, stand on the bridge, and watch several hundred jumpers parachute into the gorge

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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