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Taiwan 'Geopark' tries to keep queen from losing her head


The rock above, which many believe resembles the head of England's Queen Elizabeth I, is under threat from sea water, wind and possibly typhoons and earthquakes at Yeliu Geopark on Taiwan's north coast.

The 180 mushroom-shaped rocks in the park are a popular attraction, with over 3 million visitors last year. But they are wearing away, some not so gradually. The Queen's Head, for instance, measures 126 cm at its narrowest part. In 2008, that was 138 cm. Until 2006, visitors were allowed to touch, but there's now a circle of stones to prevent that.

Authorities have considered a number of other fixes, including a glass case, or inserting a steel rib, but those ideas were rejected. They also tried a nanotechnology paint to another formation as a test, but found that while it protected the rock, internal moisture turned the paint white. "The paint is a bit like cosmetics, which means the rock looks unnatural," according to an official of the park. But, she said, "we're not giving up."

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