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Stacked Parking, Helsingor Train Station


Riding a bicycle is very popular in Denmark (and many other European countries).  It's cheap and the land is fairly flat so it's a relatively easy way to get around.

People who have to travel some distance usually do so by train.  They'll ride their bike to the train station, park it there, take the train to work, then at the end of the day ride the rails to their home station where their bicycle awaits them.

P1060748(Stacked bicycle parking across the street from the Helsingor train station)

Some cities have massive bicycle parking lots, seeming to cover acres of pavement.  The train station in Helsingor has little free space around it so they've developed stacked parking for the bikes.  Something I've seen for cars but that I've never seen elsewhere for bikes (although I'm sure this is not something unique).


Images (2)
  • P1060748
  • P1060749

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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