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Sing for your supper at Japanese spa


A Japanese traditional inn in an area of hot spring baths is offering an incredibly cheap rate for one visitor a night—one who is willing to provide three hours of musical entertainment for the spa's other guests.

The Hoho inn, called a ryokan in Japanese, normally charges 17,000 to 25,000 yen per person, but the chosen musician of the day will pay only 100 yen. The inn has a grand piano, but others are welcome to bring their own instruments if selected, although electric guitar is specifically not on the list.

The idea of two 90-minute music interludes for a small audience grew out of cancelation of all large-scale concerts during the pandemic. There's no audition process although the prospective player must be of "moderate or higher skill" to be selected. Only one room per night, meals included, is available.

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