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Report card's in on English proficiency


If you've experienced a very high level of English proficiency among Dutch people, the results of a new report won't surprise you very much—unless you expected similar proficiency in Italy, Spain or France.

A new report from the publishers of the EF Standard English Test ranks the English proficiency of test takers from around the world, ranking them on six levels from Very High Proficiency to Very Low Proficiency. Italy, Spain and France showed up on the list of Moderate Proficiency

Of the thirteen countries rated at Very High, 12 are in Europe, but the #2 spot went to Singapore. The test results reflect 2.1 million adults in 111 countries and regions who took the online adaptive test of reading and listening skills.

And, if you're curious about your own level, you can take a short form of the test HERE

And, oh yes, here are the top 13:

  1. Netherlands
  2. Singapore
  3. Austria
  4. Norway
  5. Denmark
  6. Belgium
  7. Sweden
  8. Finland
  9. Portugal
  10. Germany
  11. Croatia
  12. South Africa
  13. Poland

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