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Portugal has a free-range kangaroo


A kangaroo was spotted on the loose in a small Portuguese town, Vizela, near Braga, Friday morning, roaming the streets and starring in a video that was posted by a passing driver.

This is not Australia. It's not even Austria, where for some reason a number of people who keep pet kangaroos lose them from time to time and make the news. This time it's Portugal, and the kangaroo's owner is still unknown.

Portuguese radio reports say that an alert went out around 9:30 am with an unusual message: "a kangaroo was detected on a public road." The municipal veterinarian was dispatched to the scene, and the case was referred to Nature and Environment Protection service. By Friday afternoon, the kangaroo was in their custody.

That's not the Vizela kangaroo, by the way. No clips available from the video!

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