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Poon Hill Trek: Everything You Need to Know About This Hike to Heavenly Vista


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The Himalayan region fosters the ultimate beauty of nature and yet you don’t have to climb up hundreds of kilometers to enjoy the best scenery across its surroundings. Nestled in the region of Annapurna, Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is the ideal journey to enjoy breathtaking views while keeping the travel short.

Poon Hill Trek is among the easiest routes in the Annapurna Region and takes only 4 days to complete. Let’s find out more about this one-of-a-kind trek as we move forward.

Length of Poon Hill Trek

The length of Poon Hill Trek is only 40km/25 mi. The short distance makes it possible for the trek to be wrapped in 4 days.

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From the beginning to the end, you are in for a rich ride of excitement, thrill, and cultural encounters.

Difficulty Level of Poon Hill Trek

The trek is a moderate climb, unlike the other treks in the Himalayas. The gradual inclines weaving through the Gurung villages and rhododendron forests present a pretty easy and enjoyable journey making it easier for you to acclimatise and enjoy simultaneously.

Although the trek won’t require you to have any mountaineering experience, it is still physically demanding. The hike entails coverage of a 3000-meter ascent over 2 days. If you plan to hike the popular treks of the Himalayas like Manaslu Trek, Upper Mustang Trek, Annapurna Circuit Trek, or Everest Base Camp Trek, the Poon Hill trek serves as a good warm-up to acclimate yourself before setting off to more challenging treks.

Permits & Compulsory Measures to Initiate Trek

Trekking rules in Nepal have changed drastically over the past few years. Today, all hikers need necessary permits like a TIMS card and Annapurna Sanctuary permit to set off on the journey in this Annapurna region.

By the year 2023, it has also become compulsory for all international hikers to either hire a licensed guide or join a tour to Poon Hill. But beware to hire the right person who is reliable and licensed to guide the trekkers.

Accommodation Facilities on the Trek

The accommodation facilities along the Poon Hill trek might come off as a surprise to many. Unlike other treks, the guest houses in Ghorepani Poon Hill trek are luxurious and provide all the facilities that you might need on your trek.

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Almost all guesthouses boast 24/7 wi-fi, hot shower facilities, and an uninterrupted electricity supply. It is quite customary for guest houses to charge you extra for such facilities over other treks, However, most of the time you will not be charged in Poon Hill trek.

Accommodation charges are also very low in this region of Annapurna if you eat dinner and breakfast at your guest house. Since food is a vital source of income for the locals, if you don’t eat at your guest house, you’ll have to pay twice or thrice the price for your rooms. The average bill for staying in a double room with having shared bathroom is around NPR 500 i.e. US $4.

Best Season to Hike Poon Hill

The Himalayas climate change affects tourism drastically. The ideal season for a trek to Ghorepani Poon Hill is usually between March to May (Spring Season) and September to November (Autumn Season). Let’s see why:

Spring Season

Spring season in the Annapurna region is popular for its mild temperatures and pleasant air. The rhododendron forests along the trail of Poon Hill become alive with beautiful colours, thus creating a refreshing and picturesque landscape. Besides the vibrant hues, the clear skies during spring offer excellent visibility of the nearby mountains.

Autumn Season

Autumn is considered the best among locals and foreigners alike. Autumn season entails mild temperatures during the days and clear skies. Overall the autumn season has quite stable weather conditions.

The clear visibility of the surrounding mountains presents breathtaking views of the Himalayan peaks.

One of the golden points of the autumn season besides their rustically hued beauty is the uproar of festivals. Various cultural celebrations are held in the autumn season along with the harvest which adds to the beauty of the trek.

While Spring and autumn seasons are popular considering their stable weather and mild temperatures, the Summer and Winter seasons hold their charm. Although the snowy trails and freezing temperatures of winter make it a less popular season to trek, the blankets of snow hold their unique isolated soul that entices you to uncover the layers and let yourself free.

Can you Book a Poon Hill Trek beforehand?

Preparing beforehand is always safer and better since you can save yourself from the hassle. So, Book a Poon Hill Trek with a reliable tour operator and enjoy your time to the fullest.

Have a nice trek to one of the best hiking destinations in Nepal!


Images (2)
  • Nepalese Village
  • Poon Hill

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