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Oracle 1Z0-063 Exam: Perfect Launchpad for Your Database Administrator Career


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If you are a person who is studying computer science or working in IT on a professional level, then you must have heard about Oracle. It is one of the biggest companies in the world and it is very popular in the IT field. Oracle is known for quality products. Cloud services by Oracle are some of the best in the world, and the company keeps on improving them. In addition to this, the company created its own certification program, which includes a number of the different certifications and exams. In this article, we will be discussing Oracle 1Z0-063 exam, one of the two tests required to attain a popular Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate certification.

To learn more about Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate certification path, follow the link:

People always like to try new methods to make their professional careers better in some way. One of the best ways to do it is to make sure that you keep on learning new things. There is always going to be someone who has more knowledge than you, that is why you also need to keep on learning. If you learn new skills and gain more knowledge, then you can excel in life. So, if you are a person who likes to set high goals, then you need to take Oracle 1Z0-062 exam. It is one of the most popular tests that Oracle offers, and there are many benefits that you can get.

Why should you take this exam?

Oracle-based systems can become very complicated to work with, and that is why there is always a need for a professional administrator. If you are able to pass this test, it means that you possess all the required knowledge about Oracle Database technologies and products. There are very few people out there who have a cast knowledge about Oracle technologies. So, with the rank of Oracle Certified Administrator, it would be easier for you to find a job in the highly competitive IT job market. Employers tend to hire those individuals who have the certification, that is why taking Oracle 1Z0-062 exam will bring you a lot of benefits.

Exam details that you must know

If you manage to pass Oracle 1Z0-063 exam, then you will be able to enjoy a number of the advantages. This is the reason why it is important that you take the test seriously and work hard during the preparation period. If you don’t spend enough time to study, then passing this exam can become a challenge.

For now, let’s move on to the test pattern because this information will surely help you to plan your approach. Oracle 1z0-063 Exam Dumps will consist of 67 questions, all of which are based on the multiple-choice format. Each candidate will be given 120 minutes to answer all the questions, and to pass this exam you need to get at least 64% marks. Oracle 1Z0-063 exam costs $245, that is why it is ideal if you pass the test on the first try.

There are a lot of topics that you will need to cover for this exam. So, if you want to avoid the last minute rush, you must start studying well before the test. You will need to study each of the topics carefully because you never know how many questions can come from the particular theme. The topics that make up Oracle 1Z0-063 are mentioned below:

  • Introduction to DBAAS
  • Upgrading Oracle Database Software
  • Creating an Oracle Database Using DBCA
  • Automating Tasks by Using Oracle Scheduler
  • Managing Performance: SQL Tuning
  • Performing Database Maintenance
  • Moving Data
  • Performing Database Recovery
  • Performing Database Backups
  • Backup and Recovery Configuration
  • Backup and Recovery Concepts
  • Implementing Oracle Database Auditing
  • Managing Data Concurrency
  • Managing Undo Data
  • Create and Manage Tablespaces
  • Managing Database Storage Structures
  • Administrating User Security
  • Configuring the Oracle Network Environment
  • Oracle Database Instance
  • Oracle Database Management Tools
  • Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture

To get more information about Oracle Database, click here:

Preparing for the exam

If you clear Oracle 1Z0-063 exam, then you will become an Oracle Certified Associate. This is the best possible way to give a boost to your career. When a person gets certified by a reputable vendor such as Oracle, then it becomes much easier for him/her to find decent jobs with a high salary. However, this also means that you will have to work very hard to pass Oracle 1Z0-063 because these kinds of benefits don’t come for free. As you can see above, there is a lot to be done to pass Oracle 1Z0-063 exam. That is why it is important to start preparing for the certification exam in advance.

Make sure that the study material that you find on the Internet contains authentic information. If you use some free sources, then there is always a chance that the information on these websites is outdated and useless. If it is possible, then you should purchase an official study guide. You can also find some reliable study materials through online communities because people usually share the sources that they use. Such communities can also be a source of the information about exam experience from the successful candidates. Thus, you can read about the exam and mentally prepare yourself.

When you are preparing for Oracle 1Z0-063 exam then ensure that you take as many practice tests as you can. The questions in these tests are similar to those that you will see on the actual exam. More importantly, the feedback that you receive at the end of the practice test is extremely valuable because it can help you evaluate your skills and knowledge. By taking the practice tests, you can identify the areas that you are good at and those that need a bit more work. To read more about practice tests, visit


Oracle 1Z0-063 is a popular exam, and people who are interested in Oracle Administration don’t waste any time to take this test. If you have the will to keep on learning more, then passing Oracle 1Z0-063 exam won’t be too difficult for you. So, just follow your plan and you will pass this test without stress.


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