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New faves for Brits' city breaks


Amsterdam and Barcelona have been dethroned as the top destinations for British travelers looking for a short 'city break' holiday, giving way to Krakow, Poland and Reykjavik, Iceland, according to a British travel agent organization.

Advantage Travel Partnership, which represents individual travel agents and travel management companies, noted the trend. Kelly Cookes, a spokesperson for the group told the Independent (UK) that “Amsterdam and Barcelona are still up there, but are not driving the same kind of volumes. Krakow is mainly price-driven. We see Prague in there quite a lot because of price.”

She attributed the rise of Reykjavik to its being a novel alternative to tradition:  “People want to try something different and they’ve done a lot of those traditional Amsterdams, Barcelonas.” She is, however, expecting an upsurge of interest in Paris because of "the Netflix effect," caused by the upcoming third season of the show 'Emily in Paris.'

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