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'Lullaby of JetBlue' coming to JFK


JetBlue's JFK Terminal 5, which already features an outdoor patio, a vegetable garden, a dog walk and other passenger-friendly amenities is now becoming the first U.S. terminal to offer napping pods for passengers waiting for a plane.

The airline has teamed up with MetroNaps to install the EnergyPods which recline and provide "serene seclusion." There are speakers with soothing rhythms or white noise, and nappers can also plug in their own headphones.

There's no charge for the pods, at least for the first year. Users get a 20-minute sessions on a first-come first-served basis. At the end of the nap, the seat automatically returns to the upright position and "nappers are gently awakened with a combination of lights, music and vibration."

Oh, and don't worry about your bags: There are built-in storage compartments for your carry-on and bags.

EnergyPods are also available at locations in Toronto's Pearson Airport and at London Luton.


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