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Lisbon landmark may get a new life


The Panoramico de Monsanto, a hilltop lookout atop the city's Monsanto Forest Park, may get a new life as both a viewpoint and a base for environmental and ecological activities. The City Council is considering options for the now-abandoned landmark.

View from the Panoramico

The building, first opened in 1968, has a 360º view over the city, has gone through several uses, including a period as a restaurant. After several years of abandonment, it was opened as a public viewpoint in 2017 but closed last July as unsafe. Designed by architect Chaves da Costa, it has ceramic panels by Manuela Madureira.

Council members pointed out that whatever use is eventually made of the building, it will need more than the rehabilitation of the building, since the existing access routes, including by road, are insufficient to provide for the expected increase in traffic.

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