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Ice Storm, Oklahoma City


Last October my wife and I did an extended road trip visiting our two sons and their wives.  Leaving the Pacific Northwest, we traveled east to Chicago then down towards Reno before returning home.  We had unseasonably bad weather much of the journey, with lots of snow and black ice, but no where was it as bad as in Oklahoma City.

08 Ice storm Oklahoma City

We'd intended to make a quick gas stop in Oklahoma City, but around the time we exited the freeway the power went out and we got caught up in a horrendous traffic jam as traffic lights were out at several busy intersections.

10 Ice storm Oklahoma City(A chain link fence, caked in ice, is smashed by a fallen tree limb)

We tried to detour around  the mess with little success as the power outage was extensive.  But it did give us time to look at the sequelae of this unusual weather and take some photos.

06 Ice storm Oklahoma City(note the many icicles hanging off this power line)

The vegetation was caked in a heavy coat of ice.  Trees were breaking apart because of the heavy weight of the ice, and downed limbs blocked a number of roads.

01 Ice storm Oklahoma City

02 Ice storm Oklahoma City03 Ice storm Oklahoma City

04 Ice storm Oklahoma City(trees, heavily laden with ice, showing many broken limbs)

The ice was especially obvious on grass, where the individual blades were sheathed in ice.   

11 Ice storm Oklahoma City12 Ice storm Oklahoma City13 Ice storm Oklahoma City

We ultimately made it out of Oklahoma, but the power outage stayed with us for several hours before we finally found a gas station that was open, where we tanked up before continuing our journey.

It took Oklahoma many days to restore power after this devastating storm.


Images (11)
  • 00 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 01 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 02 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 03 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 04 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 06 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 08 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 10 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 11 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 12 Ice storm Oklahoma City
  • 13 Ice storm Oklahoma City

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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