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Heathrow opens new Terminal 2

After an expenditure of 2.5 billion pounds (4.2 billion US$), a remodeled and modernized Terminal 2 at Heathrow opens today.  While not expanding the capacity of the airport, the terminal is intended to speed transit through the airport for those with connecting flights, especially those of the Star Alliance partnership (whose members will transfer to this Terminal).


The terminal opens at 10% of capacity to allow working out of glitches and will progressively be ramped up to full capacity.  The hope is that the remodel will help keep Heathrow a competitive international airport, especially in light of more competition from middle Eastern airports such as Dubai.


More on that story from Bloomberg News at this link.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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