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Greyhound drives on; stations don't


The 2021 sale of Greyhound, America's major intercity bus operator to German operator Flixbus appears to have saved most of the bus network, but has left passengers out in the cold to wait for their buses.

That's a result of Flixbus cashing in by selling off its portfolio of bus stations with their ticket offices and waiting rooms. The sale to a company called Twenty Lake in 2022 has resulted in shutting down stations in an increasing number of cities, including Houston, Richmond, Charlottesville, Cleveland and Little Rock, with more, including Philadelphia, threatened.

Instead of an indoor place to wait for a bus or between connecting buses, passengers in those cities are directed to curbside bus stops or parking lots to wait, with no seats, toilets or shelter from the weather.

And you thought the airports were a problem!

The best part of every trip is realizing that it has upset your expectations

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