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German rail: Book now before price hike


If you're planning a trip that involves a German train, you can save a bit by booking before December 9, when prices will rise as timetables change.

And no matter what, don't wait until you're on the train to buy: The surcharge for buying a ticket from the conductor will jump from €12.50 to €19. The other increases vary with route and class, with full-price (Flex) tickets that can be exchanged or refunded going up the most, 1.9%. Overall, DB says the average hike will be just under 1%.

On the plus side, DB is adding more of its latest-model ICE 4 high-speed trains, and adding more daily runs to its high-speed link between Berlin and Munich, an 8-hour schedule from Berlin to Vienna, cutting off almost 20% of the time. Other routes will also get more service, and a number of lines are being rebuilt to faster standards.

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