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EasyJet finds flying easier with rivals gone


EasyJet, one of Europe's leading discount airlines sees profitable times ahead, as it booked a rare thing for a holiday-heavy airline: a fall-and-winter profit of about €10 million.

However, that figure doesn't include the costs of taking over AirBerlin operations at Berlin's Tegel airport, but even with Tegel counted in, the overall loss was a third of last year's low season. The discount airlines, including EasyJet and RyanAir make their best showing in spring and summer, leading to overall profits.

Aside from the Air Berlin situation, EasyJet has profited from the failure of Monarch in Britain, and the slow downward spiral of Alitalia. Italy is a major market for EasyJet. Overall, the drop in competition is reflected in a 5% increase in airfare.

EasyJet has other plans to increase profit: it's working on a new loyalty scheme, and is moving into selling hotel rooms to its ticketholders.

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