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Dog avoids hefty Airline Ticket Purchase


You have to love this story!

A Schnauzer got a free flight from Hong Kong to Japan after sneaking into its  owner’s suitcase.  The dog's owner left Hong Kong with his family for a vacation to Japan.   When the owner landed in Hokkaido he received a text message from his mother-in-law saying the dog was missing.  After he retrieved his suitcase, the traveler was surprised his Schnauzer in his suitcase, alive and seeming to be quite well. Amazing there was enough air in there, but maybe it was a porous bag.

Somehow the dog had not been detected by anyone along his journey, which lasted 7 hours!  The owner claims the dog got into his luggage before he zipped up the suitcase, and he didn't notice it was in his bag.  Believable?  Maybe.  And the airport scanners and baggage handlers in both Hong Kong and Japan also didn't pick up on the little guy's presence in the luggage.  Believable?  Definitely!  Sadly, Fido is being returned to Hong Kong before his owners return home. 

A similar situated happened earlier this year in the United States, which has strict animal abuse laws against sneaking an animal via checked luggage.  Seems a chihuahua got into his owner's bag back then and was undetected as well.

More on this story from EJInsight at this link.


Images (1)
  • Schnauser, courtesy iStock and Fox Travel

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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