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December 14, 2015: An Assortment of Coleus


I recently came across a collection of colorful plants while at a garden in Florida.  They're different types of coleus, the subject of this post.

Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando

Coleus, also known as painted nettle, have beautiful, brilliantly colored foliage—in combinations of pink, green, red, yellow and so on.  They have a variety of leaf sizes and shapes and are one of the easiest plants to grow and one of the best ways to add color to any home or garden.

Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando

Coleus take root quickly -- even a cutting put in water will sprout roots.  Plant them and give them a little water and fertilizer and they seem to do well.  They get spiky flowers in the summer, which you can pinch off if you are only interest in the color.  But they are sensitive to frost so for most this would be a seasonal plant unless you bring them indoors before the cold weather hits.

Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando

I find them to be a cheerful plant and very photogenic.

Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando

Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando


Images (6)
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando
  • Coleus, Leu Gardens, Orlando

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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