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Belgium hosts European Mullet Championship


Hah! Bet that's a new one to you: An annual contest, held since 2019, to honor the best mullet, or, actually mullets.

The event, held this year in Quievrain, Belgium (it alternates with sites in France), drew 1,500 participants and a crowd of spectators, with contests in categories including children, 'starter' mullets, seniors, families, companies and 'rat's tails.'

Participants are judged not only on their hair but on the 'mullet within,' alluding to the association of the hairstyle with a non-conformist or open-minded approach to life. "The mullet is an island of emancipation in a sea of conformity," according to the organisers, a small group of friends. The decision to opt for a mullet shows that "you don't give a damn what other people think of you."

This year's events also included more than 200 participants holding onto each other by the mullet in an attempt to beat a Belgian record for, well, holding onto each other by the mullet.

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