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Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England


The anonymous British street artist Banksy has opened an amusement park like no other in Weston-super-Mare, Somserset, England. It's built on the abandoned swimming facility and leisure park that Banksy went to as a child. The 'bemusement park' will last five weeks. It will feature the works of 58 artists besides Banksy.

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Some of the attractions include paparazzi taking photos of a dead Cinderella after a pumpkin-carriage crash, a butcher making lasagna out of carousel horses and an armour plated riot control vehicle, built to serve on the streets of Northern Ireland, is now acting as a children's slide.

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Just been there today for exclusive TG coverage! Completely 'alternative' and totally eye opening! I hope to have photos for TG as soon as my laptop is back from the menders. In the meantime,  here is a overview starring my own good lady with Dismaland below (on a rainy English summer's day)...



One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller


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Certainly looks like "Something completely different"

To admire its absurdity is quite refreshing.

Whether it has international - appeal only time will tell.

The beauty of English weather is Mac could have driven North to the Costa-del-Mersey.

Cut the grass - take the grandkids to the park and a warm glow of sunburn for not wearing my hat.

But with a name like Dismaland I suppose warm rain is part of the experience,

Love to see more photos too

Last edited by GarryRF

I thought the same thing when I saw the photo Rob include with the post, that of Cinderella's castle with Tinkerbell--type flight over it.


Disney is very protective of its intellectual property rights.  I expect that suit is already being drafted.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

I think Disney would get bad press by suing and this park is only going to  be open a short time, but I guess we will see. In the 1990's , there was a top ten hit by a group called Dada called Dizz Knee Land and I don't think Disney bothered them, but not certain.

If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

I suspect even the font used by Disney for the name is registered and proprietary.  I also think it's all part of the conceptual piece as imagined by Banksy, no fool, and he's hoping for a suit, the sooner the better.  All publicity is good publicity and part, I strongly suspect, of his conceptual overview.

"Disney has refused to comment on notorious street artist Banksy's latest work of art - a seaside theme park called 'Dismaland' that skewers the Happiest Place on Earth...The silence from Disney is strange, considering the company's history of fiercely defending it's copyright of Mickey's image. In 2012, the company filed a complaint against the EDM artist Deadmau5, who performs wearing a Mickey-esque face mask."



One thing I know Disney is thinking  of is their British fans. They are some of the most devout Disney fans I've seen. They go to the parks and bring back tons of merchandise and they return. If they filed a suit, I think they'd get a lot bad press in Britain.


If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

You guys are certainly mirroring all the thoughts that we had yesterday! I hope that my photos (taken in the drizzle) will come out to show you.


The views that struck us immediately were the Dismaland logo above the entry (and on the souvenir T shirts), the Mickey Mouse ears worn by all the staff, the dilapidated, iconically-shaped, crumbling fairy tale castle with it's polluted moat - but perhaps the most dramatic is the centrepiece in the castle with the life-sized princess's pumpkin carriage and horse, spilled onto it's side with the lifeless princess sprawled out of the carriage window (her ribbon around her waist being lifted by 2 little Disneyesque coloured birds) and the whole tableau being photographed by the strobe flashes of the accompanying paparazzi... Very Princess Di and Cinderella at the same time! (And incredibly well presented!)


The rest of the 'parc' is very tongue-in-cheek socio-political comment, sometimes very barbed but not 'infringement' material. But it will certainly stir all the hot conversations such as those already started on these fine pages!

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

The Dismaland website crashed again today as people tried to buy tickets. Since the website  crashed over the weekend also, people were speculating that this was part of a extended performance to make the bemusement part experience worse. A spokesperson for Banksy assured the BBC that the website crashed because of high demand.



If you want a thing done, ask a busy man.

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