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Austria tops in public transit use


Austrians apparently love their trams and other transit, since they use them more than any other people in Europe, and by a wide margin over second-place France and third-place Czechia.

The average resident of Austria uses public rail transit for trips totaling 1,625 kilometres a year, while French travelers ride 1,280 kilometres and Czechs 985. Austrians ride more than twice as much as neighboring Germans. The totals are only for rail; no bus or ferry rides are included, resulting in no numbers for Malta and Cyprus, which have no rail transit. Lithuania is at the bottom of the list with 100 kilometres per year.

Those Austrian commuters, by the way, are up in numbers as well as riding; new census figures say Vienna's population has hit 2.08 million, the first time since just before World War I that it topped 2 million.

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