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Hi, looking for any travel guide recommendations that anyone might have for Morocco? Needs to be in ebook format, will be taken along and viewed/used on a Kindle Fire.


Would appreciate suggestions/reviews for particular series if no experience available with a specific one for Morocco.



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I've always used Lonely Planet Guides, for Morocco and elsewhere, all-around good guides and hard to beat.  Any guide will be out of date by the time they're printed or downloaded, to some extent (prices mostly), but I find the details offered in LP guides most what I need for traveling independently, as I do.  I like the paper versions, my Morocco LP is in pieces, cut up to reduce weight.  


Since I go to Morocco fairly regularly I've had several editions now and while choice of guides is subjective, like so many things, I buy others but always take the LP with me (or pieces of it).  And they are available for download.

I reiterate PM's choice of Lonely Planet guides. There's lots of great guides for commonly traveled countries (say like Italy), but those that cover smaller less visited places are much less common and often not that helpful.


I've never been disappointed with the information in my Lonely Planet guides.  And I'm sure Amazon has a kindle version for you.

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

The best travel guide that I ever had for Morocco, acquired back in the 1980's, was a very old blue Michelin "Guide Bleu" which I suspect dated back to the mid 1950s. It was great because it went into huge detail about matters and places that were real "history" by the time I read about them. Like many things, I loaned it out but it never came back.... :-)


These days I evidently have a very much reduced attention span, rather like a goldfish, and find that the Dorian Kingsley "DK Eyewitness Travel" guides suit me perfectly (see ) as they contain profusely illustrated (or photographed) short articles in colour about all the good things to see at my destination. The most recent one that I purchased was their specific one for Marrakesh - ideal!


I like the carefully researched detail in the Lonely Planet guides but just appreciate the graphic 'plus' of the DK Eyewitness Guides.

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

I did not respond to your needing a Kindle guide but I am pleased to add that the DK Eyewitness Travel series DO have ePub versions on sale ( ) but I have had no experience of them personally although their website appears to show that the electronic versions are presented exactly as their paper versions.

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."  Henry Miller

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