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Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#110)


Last week, Gumbo was on the outside; this week on the inside—but still sticking with a (fairly) modern vibe. This week's puzzle is a combination of art and architecture, and a long and interesting piece of history...but you'll have to figure out the pieces to put the story in place. So dive in, share clues and ideas, and have fun!



  1. Share your suggestions, hints and discussions with others by posting them here as comments...
  2. If you absolutely know where it is....please give others a couple of days to work on it  before you pounce.  If the answer is burning your fingers, e-mail it to and we'll publish it Sunday night...
  3. To post here, you need to be  a member...but that's free and easy.  Just click HERE

So, exactly where is Gumbo today?  Please be as specific as possible.





Images (2)
  • WITW110
  • 20150409_113331_resized

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I really, really don't mean to spoil the fun, knowing that whenever someone says that he does in fact exactly that.

However I'll use the occasion to share a very useful tip for anyone: Google Picture Search.

it allows you to search for any picture on the web and it will find similar pictures or - like in this case an exact match. You can either paste in the direct url of the picture or download a copy and later upload it again.


If the website doesn't allow that (which really makes no sense other than people copying and deleting the link to your website in the process) use the snipping tool or get the link via the deleveloper tools

Why is this useful?
Looking for copyright infringements on your pictures - just check it up on google and see who uses your images without a license. (Tho there are professional tools that will handle it for you as well)


I personally find it particular useful to look up wonderful pictures you stumble upon without credits or a description. Works wonders. Also very helpful in spotting fake account on social media since they always copy their avata from somewhere.

here is my hint: you will find it in NYC - the building was designed by Cass Gilbert.

twitter @pelerinages

"Let's see something of the world, you an I, before it falls."

Last edited by Norman
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