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Keel-billed Motmot, Arenal Volcano National Park, Costa Rica


There are a lot of wonderful birds in Costa Rica (and all of Central Ameria).  If you're a birdwatcher you need to go there and add dozens of species to your lifetime spotted list.

Arenal NP

I'm not an avid birder, although I like birds.  I enjoyed seeing the motmots in Costa Rica.  These are attractive birds, with moderately long hooked beaks and two distinctive elongated tail feathers.

07 Hike in Arenal NP (52)(Arenal Volcano — difficult to appreciate from this photo but smoke still rises from the top of the crater)

Arenal Volcano National Park is a beautiful spot, with a classic cone-shaped volcano (actively erupting only a few decades ago) framing the setting.  One of the birds the area is known for is the Keel-billed motmot.

07 Hike in Arenal NP (31)

As luck would have it, one of these birds landed in front of us and posed -- seeming to study us as much as we studied him.  One of those special moments that makes a trip memorable.

07 Hike in Arenal NP (34)


Images (5)
  • Arenal NP
  • MotMot
  • MotMot
  • MotMot
  • Arenal NP

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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