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Iceland—Land of Rainbows


One of my favorite memories of traveling around Iceland is of the many glorious rainbows!  Short showers are frequent, usually followed by a brilliant rainbow.  Sometimes you’d see dozens in a single day.  The only other place I’ve ever been where I saw so many rainbows was on Maui.

This week I thought I’d share some of these rainbows with you:



Images (4)
  • 394-rainbow-over-north-iceland
  • 402-north-iceland-rainbow-over-fjordlands
  • 403-north-iceland-rainbow-over-fjordlands
  • 404-north-iceland-rainbow-over-fjordlands

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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