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Art Nouveau Building, Rabat


Situated on a street corner in the Moroccan capital of Rabat I spotted this interesting building across from the St. Pierre Cathedral.  It's now a government office building, but I believe it once was a hotel.  Constructed in the Art Nouveau style, I thought the curves and design were quite attractive.

01 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat

02 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat

03 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat

It took me a minute to realize that a clever artist had painted a merger of the building with its neighbor (see below).  Unusual.

05 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat (5)


Images (6)
  • 00 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat
  • 01 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat
  • 02 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat
  • 03 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat
  • 04 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat (7)
  • 05 Art Nouveau building beside St Pierre Church, Rabat (5)

Twitter: @DrFumblefinger

"We do not take a trip, a trip takes us".  John Steinbeck, from Travels with Charlie

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