Looming against the skyline shortly as one drives into the state of Perak, Malaysia, is the hill that houses the nation’s largest cave system on the peninsula (there are bigger ones on Borneo, of course!). Known locally as ‘Gua Tempurung’
it does test your temperament somewhat, meaning you should be absolutely in love with such geological wonders! There are stairs and walkways which make navigation easy inside, all the way upto the highest point, where you almost can reach up and touch the roof, and this is where the fun ends, in a way.
Up to this section is the ‘Dry Tour’, as opposed to the ‘Wet Tour’ that takes you across the dark and menacing underground passages, for which it is essential to hire a guide or go as part of a group tour. Otherwise, there are signboards and arrows a plenty to direct you across the entire dry section.
If you can stand the cloying humidity of t he interiors, you may as well take frequent breaks to marvel at the astonishing beauty of the architecture. Do enjoy it!