How often should I get a massage?

(content by Dmitry)

One of the most common questions massage parlor clients ask is, “How often should I get a massage?”.

This is a very interesting question, but it doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. There are many factors that go into determining how often you should get a massage.

There are 3 basic questions you need to ask yourself:

  1. Why am I coming in for a massage?
  2. Can I free up my schedule?
  3. What is my budget?  

This article will help answer each of these questions, and with this information, you can make a more informed decision about how often you should get a massage.

Why do I come in for a massage?

There are many reasons why a person decides to come in for a massage. Most people come in when they are in pain about something. If you go to massage therapists because of pain, there are additional questions that need to be answered.

Have you been injured, or is the pain due to improper sleep posture, overexertion, bad habits, or stress?

If you have been injured, it is better to first wait at least 72 hours before going for a massage, as your tissues will be inflamed during this period, and massage can further increase the inflammation. Also, in the first 72 hours, our body starts to recover on its own.

You should not interfere with the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Once a few days have passed and the inflammation has begun to reduce, massage will be an effective rehabilitation method and will speed up recovery.

If an injury is the reason for your visit, the frequency of visits depends on the severity of the injury. Talk to your massage therapist ahead of time and explain your circumstances to get a better idea of the timing of treatment.

If you have musculoskeletal pain that is not due to an injury, the cause may be stress, habits, or postural imbalance (improper posture during physical activity or sleep). This type of pain is different from the pain you experience after an injury.

Usually, this pain develops over time; the level of pain depends on stress and activity level. Massage therapists are great at dealing with this kind of pain, but you need to keep in mind that there has to be work going on on your part as well.

In good massage parlors like Armonia, you can always get more information and expert advice. You can visit a salon, where they will help you choose the most suitable massage regimen for your needs.

When you have pain that is caused by poor posture or a stressful lifestyle, the treatment will be less effective unless you make an effort and start looking after yourself. For this type of pain, we recommend massage every other day, and as you begin to notice improvement, the number of sessions can be reduced to 2-1 times per week.


Sometimes people come in for massage as part of routine treatment for an illness or disorder. Here, the frequency of massage can vary considerably depending on your circumstances.

  • What is your pathology?
  • What other treatments do you have?

Massage can be a great addition to the treatment of various diseases, but different numbers of sessions are recommended for different diseases. In this case, we recommend that you first get a massage appointment with your doctor and consult with him or her about the number of sessions to be performed.

Many people go for massages in order to prevent various diseases. They do not wait for the pain to come on its own and get a massage to stay healthy and prevent diseases in advance. This is called a preventive method of treatment.

There are clients who come several times a week, every week, once a month, etc. We recommend listening to yourself and understanding what your body is telling you.


It’s important to remember that the frequency of massage visits depends on a variety of factors: your goals, lifestyle, and overall health. Massage is not only a way to relieve current pain and discomfort but also an effective method of preventing various diseases and maintaining the overall tone of the body.

Every person is unique, and that is why there is no universal answer to the question of how often you should have a massage. However, by listening to your body and consulting with professionals, you can find the optimal frequency for you. It is also important to keep in mind that regularity and consistency in the procedures can significantly increase their effectiveness.

Remember that taking care of your health is a process that requires attention and patience. Use massage as a tool to improve your quality of life, and let it become part of your daily or weekly self-care ritual. With the right approach and expert guidance, massage can help yo

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