Birds of the Chobe River, Botswana

Many visitors to Botswana’s Chobe National Park probably come here primarily to see large herds of elephants or big cats, like lions and leopards. However, there is also plenty of interesting birdlife in the park, particularly near the Chobe river – such as the very attractive grey crowned cranes in the photo above.

Darters, spoonbills, fish eagles, ibises, storks, and pelicans are amongst the many other other bird species that live along the banks of the river. The photo gallery below shows some we snapped on our safari outings in the area.

If you are interested, a much more comprehensive list can be found at:


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Marilyn Jones
1 month ago

Excellent photography!

1 month ago

Agree with Marilyn! That’s a nice and very mixed collection of avian photos!!

1 month ago

Also agreed. Outstanding! Merry Christmas.

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