Birds at the Liffey

Birds again: A frequent subject for me, this time along the south bank of the Rover Liffey in central Dublin, where a gathering of gulls drew my attention.


Their attention had already been drawn by this man, who came with a bag of bread and other treats to distribute; the birds clustered around him, wandered nearby, mostly in circles but occasionally in a row, and waited for the manna from heaven.


In fact, you might call this a bread line…


It was an opportunity to observe different color and feather patterns, and to see again how beautiful these raucous creatures, these food-snatching villains, these aggressive feeders can really be.


With wings spread, they seem almost to be in flight while standing still…


Just past the cluster of gulls, another waterfront character: A bronze statue commemorates the linesmen who once worked to pull ships close to the quay and secure them with mooring lines.


Congratulations to PortMoresby and George G, who both recognized the scene of this week’s One-Clue Mystery!

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