On the Go in Orvieto

Orvieto is a small city in the Umbrian area of Italy. Its history goes back to the Etruscan era and has played an important role in the this part of the country because of its geological position. Orvieto sits on a high bluff, formed by a volcanic tuff. The steep sides of the tuff made it almost impossible for enemies to attack Orvieto, and it served as a key stop along the road from Rome to Florence.

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I spent a day and a half visiting Orvieto, which gave me a chance to walk through the old city. It is a great place to explore in during a short stay. The streets wind around each other, and small churches and shops pop up around almost every corner.

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I hope that this photo-essay gives a feeling of my time exploring Orvieto.

Orvieto’s Duomo

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2024-01-04 Orvieto-64The Annunciation

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2024-01-04 Orvieto-74South-east Muncipal Park

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L.Ar.Ce. Di Malentacchi Stefano& C. ceramic shop

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Santa Maria dei Servi


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Church of San Giovenale

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1 year ago

Excellent photography! I’d love to visit there.

1 year ago

Great photos! The cathedral looks impressive. It’s the sort of place I love exploring, too.

1 year ago

Orvieto is one of my favorite white wines.  Hope you had a chance to partake on your visit.  Great photos by the way.

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