Palermo Cathedral, Sicily

This church is officially known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, but more commonly “Santa Maria Assunta”,Duomo” or just as Palermo’s Cathedral.  It was completed in 1184 A.D. and is the largest Norman cathedral in Sicily.

01 Cathedral, Palermo

Palermo Cathedral is built on ground which has long been the site of churches in the area, dating to early Christain times.  The current structure has been added to and modified over the years, with slightly different styles, but retains its character.  Palermo Cathedral is one of the “Arab-Norman” churches which were recently granted UNESCO World Heritage Site status because of their unique architectural features.

02 Cathedral, Palermo

03 Cathedral, Palermo

Your first views of the Palermo Cathedral are from the spacious rectangular square in front of the church (formerly a cemetery), filled with statues of bishops and saints.  The church has an amazing exterior, perhaps the prettiest of the churches in Sicily.  We visited in the late afternoon and the soft light on the structure made for some memorable images. You can see why it was the site of Royal coronations and burials.

05 Cathedral, Palermo

07 Cathedral, Palermo

08 Cathedral, Palermo

12 Cathedral, Palermo

The exterior architectural details are lavish — take a look at the details of this Cathedral door and its surrounding frame….

09 Cathedral, Palermo

10 Cathedral, Palermo

11 Cathedral, Palermo

It is said there was a competition between the patrons of Palermo Duomo and the Cathedral at nearby Monreale.  Palermo would have won for its exterior, but Monreale dominates the interior category with its gorgeous mosaics.

13 Cathedral, Palermo

14 Cathedral, Palermo

15 Cathedral, Palermo

In contrast to the lavish exterior, I found the Cathedral’s interior to be nice, but not fabulous in the manner of other Arab-Norman churches we visited.  Most of the church’s interior can be seen for free, but a paid ticket is required for visiting the rooftops (which I think would have memorable views), the Royal Tombs, and a few other sites.  As we had limited time before a dinner engagement and the Cathedral’s closing, we just had a quick look around at the interior.

16 Cathedral, Palermo

17 Cathedral, Palermo(main altar)

19 Cathedral, Palermo(sarcophagi)

You’ll find a side chapel extensively decorated with silver which is dedicated to Rosalia, Palermo’s beloved patron saint who performed miracles and “ended” the plague….

18 Cathedral, Palermo

There is an important altar celebrating one of Palermo most famous citizens, Father Giuseppe Puglisi, whose body rests in the Cathedral.  He was a critic of the mafia and was assassinated by them in the prime of his life, making him a martyr.  In 2013 he was beatified, the first step toward canonization….

20 Cathedral, Palermo

21 Cathedral, Palermo Cathedral, Palermo

A few final photos of some of the Cathedral’s details….

23 Cathedral, Palermo

24 Cathedral, Palermo

25 Cathedral, Palermo

26 Cathedral, Palermo

27 Cathedral, Palermo

28 Cathedral, Palermo

29 Cathedral, Palermo

The final photo is of a hefty lock within the cathedral.  Like something from the Medieval Ages….

30 Cathedral, Palermo

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