Cars of South Beach

Our day of rambling around South Beach included seeing a number of interesting cars.   For me the highlight was the great Rocket 88 shown in the above photo, but there were other interesting cars.

I’m starting to like cars from the 1960s more and more, and this turquoise and white Comet is pretty nice.  I think it’s from around 1962….

01 Cars of South Beach

02 Cars of South Beach

03 Cars of South Beach

It’s always fun to see a Ferrari, expensive and scarce as they are in most places.  This one was parked in front of a restaurant….

04 Cars of South Beach

05 Cars of South Beach

A beautiful red Mustang convertible, probably of about 1970 vintage….

06 Cars of South Beach

07 Cars of South Beach

08 Cars of South Beach

There were some interesting commercial vehicles about like this car dressed up as a mouse…

09 Cars of South Beach

I thought this minivan parked on the streets did a good job of “selling South Beach”.  It belongs to a realtor who likely leaves it parked on the road permanently as a kind of business card.

10 Cars of South Beach

11 Cars of South Beach

Lastly, a nicely decked out cargo truck.  Another effective use of ad space.

12 Cars of South Beach

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