Wyoming Winter Scenes

A few weeks back my wife and I made a road-trip across several of the northern states.  We encountered some heavy snow fall in Montana, but our journey across Wyoming the following day was sunny and clear. The skies were blue and dotted by clouds, and the fresh snow on the ground made everything seem crisp and sharp.

The scenery was nice and very representative of this amazing state.  Wyoming is mostly ranch country — many of the ranches having been in families for many generations and are quite large (often thousands of acres).  The state is also known for its hills and mountains — its home to the Tetons and Bighorns — and for one of the most amazing places in the world, Yellowstone National Park.

When my wife takes her turn at the wheel and the weather and scenery are nice, I often grab my camera and with a long lens and fast shutter take some photos.  Here’s some of what we saw that day:








IMG_7588(There are a lot of mesas in portions of Wyoming)


IMG_7596(The interstate freeway bisecting a valley in Wyoming)



I watched the tower shown below peak over the horizon for some distance, growing every larger.  I’m not sure exactly what it was for.   My guess would be a water tower.


Soon after passing the tower the small city of Casper appeared.  Of course, all cities in Wyoming are small.  Some might not like that, but I think it’s part of the state’s charm.


IMG_7643(Casper, Wyoming)

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