U.S.: Home Covid test ok for travel

The Centers for Disease Control just made it a little bit easier to travel to the U.S. from abroad by allowing home-based Covid tests to meet the requirement of a negative test within 72 hours before boarding a flight to the U.S. Still, hurdles remain.

The CDC’s approval of home tests requires that they be a SARS-CoV-2 viral test, either NAAT or antigen, that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition, the test must be remotely supervised by a telehealth service approved by the manufacturer, and produce a detailed report with the negative result and the person’s identity.

The approval is good for travelers heading to the U.S., but the tests may not be accepted by the travelers’ destinations. And, some countries do not permit the import of tests and medicines they have not approved, so travelers taking a test with them to use on the way home will have to shop carefully.

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3 years ago

Home test kits are available in the UK from your local Pharmacy between 1pm and 4pm – Free of charge. 2 packs of seven. Just ask.

3 years ago

I’m curious how widely available for sale  those home tests are in other countries ? Like you reported, you could bring the test with you, if allowed.  It is good news though.  The way it was  a lot of people, including myself, weren’t able to get tested  because in a lot of places Covid tests are only given to those who show symptoms.

3 years ago

From today I can get a UK Government Certificate that I am fully vaccinated and Covid free. No charge. Sounds like somebody wants the Good Citizens of the US to jump through hoops AND pay for the privilege.

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