Four Favorite Tropical Drinks on Oahu

I am not a huge drinker, but we were on Oahu, December of 2016, and how can you not like all the amazing tropical drinks on the islands? While many were good, there were four that stood out to me more than the other drinks. 


If you ask someone to name three or four famous tropical drinks in Hawaii, one of them most likely will be a Mai Tai. I like rum and pineapple juice, so how can you go wrong? Interestingly, “Maita’i” is the Tahitian word for “good”; but the drink is spelled as two words, sometimes hyphenated or capitalized. Here is a recipe for a typical Mai Tai.

Mai Tai: Mix Ingredients

  • 1 ¼ oz. Light Rum
  • ½ oz. Orgeat Syrup
  • ½ oz. Orange Curacao
  • 2 oz. Lemon Juice
  • 2 oz. Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz. Dark Rum Float

pina colada

The Pina Colada is my second favorite of all these tropical drinks. Made with rum, coconut cream or coconut milk, and pineapple juice, it is incredibly refreshing. The name piña colada literally means “strained pineapple”, a reference to the freshly pressed and strained pineapple juice used in the drink’s preparation. Even though it is extremely famous in the Hawaiian Islands, it is stated that it was created in Puerto Rico, has been their national drink since 1978. Here is a list of ingredients:

Pina Colada: Blend Ingredients

  • 3-4 Fresh Pineapple Chunks
  • 3-4 oz. Coco Lopez Coconut Syrup
  • 1 ¼ oz. Dark Rum


Another interesting tropical drink is the Blue Hawaii drink. The Blue Hawaii was invented in 1957 by Harry Yee, legendary head bartender of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. However it was also made well known by Elvis in 1961 due to his movie called Blue Hawaii. Regardless of how it got its name, it’s pretty darn good. Here is the recipe below.

Blue Hawaii: Mix Ingredients

  • 3/4 oz. Rum
  • 3/4 oz. Vodka
  • 1/2 oz. Blue Caracao
  • 3 oz. Pineapple Juice
  • 1 oz. Sweet & Sour
  • Ice (optional)

Lava FlowThe first three tropical drinks are good, and I enjoy them, however my favorite by far is the Lava Flow. It is half pina colada and half strawberry daiquiri. Can you say YUM? Lol   It is one of the best drinks you will find on the islands or anywhere. I have had people make them here on the mainland, but they never taste quite the same as they do in Hawaii. They may be close, but just not the same. Here is a recipe for these amazing drinks.

Lava Flow: Blend Ingredients

1 oz. coconut rum
1 oz. light rum
1/2 banana
2 oz. pineapple juice
2 oz. coconut cream
2 oz. frozen strawberries

Tropical-Drinks 1I am sad to be back on the mainland and not able to have these wonderful tropical drinks as often as I’d like, but it’s probably a good thing, lol. However, it is one of the joys of being able to travel and spend some time in Hawaii to partake of these while there. So for now, I will relish the memories and look forward to our next trip. If you are planning to go soon, I would definitely try some of these while you are there. You won’t be disappointed.

Join Samantha TONIGHT: April 15th at 8 pm Eastern on Zoom for “Let’s Talk Travel” Click the link to join the conversation!  The topic for this call will be travel accommodations. Do you like to stay at hotels, an Airbnb, a hostel, etc?  I look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. Hope to see you then. Click the link above to join the conversation! Password: Travel

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