McNutt Sculpture Garden and Outdoor Sculptures – San Antonio, Texas

We spent President’s Day weekend 2018 in San Antonio, Texas and had a great time. We stayed at a place off the new part of the Riverwalk which was nice and less busy.  Luckily it was still close to everything we wanted to see and do. While walking around we ended up at the Briscoe Western Art Museum. We enjoyed strolling through their amazing bronze sculptures in the McNutt Sculpture Garden.

We spent quite a bit of time enjoying them and reading the plaques.  There are too many to show on this post so I have shared about half of them on the short video above. Hope you enjoy it.

Bronze-Garden-Golden-WingsAs far as the bronze sculptures go, there were 28 of them depicting iconic figures of the American West. Here is a map and list of all 28 sculptures on the grounds of the McNutt Sculpture Garden.  One of the sculptures that I really liked was called Golden Wings by Gerrland Balciar.  Above is a picture of the beautiful golden eagle. It was a gift by the Jack and Valerie Guenther Foundation. It was our One-Clue Mystery picture this week, and was recognized by George G.

Bronze-Garden-El-CaporalOne that we both liked a lot was the El Caporal by Enrique “kiko” Guerra. It was  a gift from Marrs McLean Bowman, Patricia and Robert Hayes, Courtney and Mark E Watson Jr, and Barbara and George Williams. Such a great depiction of the time.

Bronze-Garden-Carnegie-HallAnother piece that caught my eye was one called A Cowboy‘s Carnegie Hall. It is by Bruce Greene and was a gift from the Jack and Valerie Guenther Foundation.  Something about it reminded me of my late stepdad and I really enjoyed seeing it while thinking of him.

Bronze-Garden-Water-Through-TimeThe other piece I wanted to mention wasn’t actually a sculpture, it is ceramic tile display named Water Through Time. It is a great mural and shows some of the highlights of San Antonio.  According to the plaque, it was a collaboration between the Briscoe Western Art Museum and the San Antonio Water System.  All of the tiles were all hand painted, which made it even more interesting. We were so happy to stumble upon the amazing McNutt Sculpture Garden and Outdoor Sculptures. If you are in the area, you should definitely check it out. Here is a link to their website with hours, prices, etc. Hopefully next time we will check out their museum.

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6 years ago

My daughter and her family enjoy sculpture gardens.  She lives in Texas so I will recommend McNutt to her.

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