Toronto Sights and Signs

I love to ramble around cities, poking into what looks interesting, and recording sights and signs that catch my attention—sometimes for their beauty, sometimes their humor (intended or not) and sometimes just because I’m intrigued by something odd.


And sometimes because they’re delicious, or they’re bread. These two are from a Portuguese bakery on Bloor Street.1080748

Toronto has plenty to look up at, although I was surprised at how much overhead wire is still in service. Below it, the historic Hose Company 8, on the edge of Kensington Market.


Red brick and rustic stone are popular in central Toronto, though perhaps a bit under threat, either from remuddling (above) or from urban redevelopment. The Bloor Street United Church, below, is about to lose part of its building, shared with a Jewish congregation, to a new building on part of its land.


Here’s a puzzling restaurant sign to chew on…and another that caters to the (yawning) afflicted. And another for the pun-afflicted.


There’s street art and pseudo-graffiti styling to be found…


Walking across Bloor Street, I found a lot of memorable signs, some of them puzzling (If Gus is the other barber, who is he other than?)108085110808561080857

Guarding the entrance to Christie Pits Park…a cat whose identity was revealed by George G, who had the sole correct answer to our One-Clue Mystery this week.


The Eighth Street Orchestra, playing New Orleans Jazz, and nearby another music milestone.


Cell phone reception must be great near this building!


On the side of a Dumpster. Love that slogan… and the avocado pun below.


Haven’t visited this one, but it seems inviting! The wool store, Ewe Knits, we’ve been to several times; it has lots of Canadian wool in beautiful colors.


Downtown, some glitzier architecture…although the first one reveals that the avant-garde appearing Art Gallery of Ontario is really a rectilinear box with a glass facade (containing a cafe) attached to the front.20180507_15475920180507_155232

Oh, and this one needs no explanation. But I’ll pair it with a shot from a visit to Lille, France…


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