May 10, 2017: Frozen Lake – Clear Creek County, Colorado

Last weekend we had some greaet weather and took a road trip near St. Mary’s Glacier in Clear Creek County, Colorado.  We saw this incredible frozen lake and had to stop and take some pictures. Hope you enjoy them.

Frozen Lake 2

Frozen Lake 3

Frozen Lake 4

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7 years ago

Most of these high altitude lakes remain frozen most of the year.  While it’s further north, I am very familiar with Lake Louise in the Alberta Rockies.  While at only 5200 ft above sea level, it receives a heavy snow fall and the ice remains on the lake until well into June, returning in the early fall.  Hiking in the area is really limited to June, July and early September (unless you hike slogging through snow and slush)

7 years ago

Is this a location that stays frozen for most of the year ?  It’s unusual to see winter holding its grip until May. 


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