Can Sweden’s ‘Museum of Failure’ succeed?

Sweden’s newest museum, opening June 7th in Helsingborg, is full of failures—and hopes to succeed at drawing an audience of curiosity-seekers to see how many false steps there can be on the way to technological breakthroughs.

Exhibit #1, above, is the Twitter Peek, an innovative device dedicated to tweeting. It seemed like a good idea at the time, when there was no portable way to tweet. However, by the time it arrived, showing only 22 letters at a time on its tiny screen, the iPhone and the era of smartphones had arrived.

Other losers, including some from companies as well-known as Apple, IBM and Google, include coffee-flavored Coca-Cola, an electric beauty mask, double-pronged drumsticks and Harley-Davidson perfume. And from Bic, special ‘lady-themed’ ballpoint pens for women!

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