Coffee Estate in Guatemala

I am not a coffee drinker, so I was literally going along for the ride with my fellow Bella Guatemala Travel tour group as we left Antigua for Café Azoteca Coffee Estate.

Antigua coffee 1

In business since 1883, our coffee museum guide began our tour by explaining coffee production worldwide before telling us about the history and traditions here.

Antigua coffee 2Azotea farm was purchased by dDoña Dominga Mont and her son-in-law, Don Marcelo Orive. Together they began the cultivation of coffee. We passed exhibits and diorama that illustrated the history of coffee harvesting in Guatemala and explained the growing and processing of the bean.

“The coffee plant is grown under a dense canopy of shade trees,” he explained.  “At harvest time our workers hand pick only the ripe red beans. The beans are then wet milled, sun dried and dry milled. Processed beans are hand selected to assure quality and uniformity.”

Antigua coffee 3Outside we walked along a wide dirt road into an area where the beans were being grown. He showed us the red ripe beans and explained the farm only uses an organic pest control system and composting for fertilizer make. “We are very environmentally friendly.”

Azotea, which is a Rainforest Alliance Certified farm, is staffed by 65 workers during the high season and hosts 3,000 visitors a month.

Antigua coffee 5We walked through a beautiful garden with colorful flowers of every description; many I had never seen before. We then headed for the coffee shop. Many on the tour sampled the coffee and purchased bags of the fragrant beans. After we had time to look around the store our Bella Guatemala Travel guides Jose Antonio Gonzalez and Emilio Faillace invited us to yet another museum — Casa K’ojom Mayan Music Museum.

Antigua coffee 6Here we learned the history of Guatemalan musical instruments featuring numerous instruments and dioramas adding to the understanding of this history. A short film was shown as well, bringing what we had learned to life with spectacular sound and color.

Antigua coffee 8The gift shop was a wonderful collection of traditional souvenirs along with handcrafted items including instruments made by local artisans at very reasonable prices.

I can easily recommend the tour, museums and gift shops to everyone visiting Antigua whether you drink coffee or not!

Antigua coffee 7

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7 years ago

Fascinating to see how much work goes into growing that coffee.  But to hear you’re not a coffee drinker?!?  Is tea your morning beverage, then?

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