Danish chef launches app for meal sharing

If Airbnb (despite its name) doesn’t include breakfast, you might turn to a new app, TastePlease, that lets you book shared meal experiences as you travel.

Created by Danish chef Frank Lantz and his partners, TastePlease has a website and an app in 14 languages, and hopes to reach 190 countries. Lantz says “It was inspired by a mix of travel and other shared economy apps like Airbnb. People like to meet new people when they are travelling – when you go to a restaurant you know nobody.”

On the site, it’s possible to choose to be a guest or a host, book an experience, set a price, and make arrangements. To take a look at it, click HERE.

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7 years ago

The concept has been around for a while, investigated because I usually travel on my own, but yet to try:https://www.eatwith.com/https://www.mealsharing.com/

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