Texas celebrates really stinky tourist attraction

Hold your nose and say hello to Morticia!

Morticia is an Amorphophallus titanum, but you can call her a Giant Corpse Flower—she doesn’t mind. What she’s best known for, aside from a beautiful flower, is a powerful stench that’s the source of the name. Fortunately, this native of Sumatra blooms only occasionally.

Moody Gardens, in Galveston, TX, is host to the specimen that bloomed Saturday, after putting up no petals since 2012. There are special viewing hours arranged for the few days the flower will be open.

While the smell may repel all but the most avid flower lovers among humans, it’s apparently very successful in attracting carrion beetles and sweat flies, which it needs for pollination. It’s the world’s largest flowering plant, reaching as much as 10′ tall. 

For more fascinating information and pictures from the Houston Press, click HERE

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