Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, November 11, 2015: Four Corners Monument

  4 corners 1

Out in the middle of nowhere is the Four Corners Monument. This is the only location in the United States where four states, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, meet in a single spot. Thus, visitors can stand in four states at one time! Of course we had to take pictures of us in all four states. We even got our dog in some pictures. I don’t think she was too impressed though. lol.


4 corners 3

There is a marker that allegedly marks where the four states come together. The original marker erected in 1912 was a simple cement pad, but has since been redone in granite and brass. I said this marker allegedly marks where the four states come together, however, some news reports have indicated the site of Four Corners Monument is inaccurate and off by as much as 2.5 miles, according to data from the National Geodatic Survey. Even if it wasn’t the exact spot, it was fun to assume you were at the actually in all four states at the same time.

 Four Corners monument

Near the monument there is a gift shop complete with Four Corners postcards and t-shirts, and a few concession stands. Other than that, there wasn’t much else out there. The drive to and from the monument was very beautiful, but I don’t know if I would go that far out of the way to see it again.


Four Corners 1

The monument is on Navajo Land and is very remote. They suggest you have plenty of water, food, snacks, hand wipes and extra toiletries when visiting, as there is no running water, electricity or telephones. However, picnic tables and self-contained restrooms are available. It was fun and worth seeing if you are in the area.

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9 years ago

Brings back some good memories.  We visited the 4 corners about 15 or so years ago and, of course, had to take pictures of each of us having an extremity in each of the 4 states.  The country is beautiful, but it is remote and VERY HOT in the summer.  Good advice on being prepared.

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