France Train Service, SNCF, Expands Low Cost Trains and Buses

Frances train service, SNCF, is expanding its low cost TGV service, Ouigo and tripling it’s fleet of coaches called Ouibus.


Ouigo was set up in 2013 to run TGV trains from Paris to the south of France, namely the cities of Lyon, Marseille and Montpellier starting at 10 Euros. In  2016, Ouigo  Trains will expand to link stations in the north of France and in the west of France. In the north, it will link Tourcoing and Haute-Picardie near Amiens. And in the the west of France, it will link Nantes, Rennes, Le Mans and Angers. In Paris, Ouigo now runs from station , Marne-la-VallÉe (the EuroDisney Station), but from 2016 the trains will also serve Charles-de-Gaulle aiport and Massy TGV station.


And because of the newly reformed bus service in France, SNCF will triple its fleet of coaches, Ouibus, and offer coach tickets as low as €5.


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