Vienna’s Sausage Stands

Think of Vienna, and you get Vienna Waltz, Wiener Schnitzel, Vienna Sausage…and I don’t mean those strange grey things lurking in a can. For me, one of the highlights of visiting Vienna is the profusion of sausage stands on street corners.


They take on a variety of shapes, their signs variously proclaim WÜrstl, Hot Dog and even Happy Noodles (also serving Asian dishes), but they all feature, at a minimum, a wonderful array of grilled (not boiled!) sausages, including bratwurst, the spicy krainerwurst, and a Vienna (slightly odd to me) specialty, the kÄsekrainer, which adds a core of cheese to the sausage. With the sausage, sliced at the counter, you get bread and a choice of hot or sweet mustard.


I can hardly wait for the next time!




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9 years ago

Could this be a business venture for the Heymont dynasty ?

Standing around on those cold New York winters days.

No – I wouldn’t wish that on anyone !

9 years ago

How do these compare to the Hot Dog street vendors in New York ?

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