Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, July 26, 2015: The Rock – Hewn Churches Of Lalibela, Ethiopia

Legend says that King Lalibela returned from Jerusalem with the order to build a second Jerusalem. And so he did! Churches, as high as three-story-buildings, were hewn deep into the reddish colored rock, connected by short tunnels. Little cave-like chapels were carved into the walls.


How long did it all take him? Exactly 23 years! Not a day more or less… Not bad for the 12th Century! But please note: the worldly laborers were supported by the angels to speed up this work. At least says the legend!





The Rock - Hewn Churches Of Lalibela, Ethiopia

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9 years ago

A fascinating place, Gilles, that I had not even heard of before.  Thanks for sharing this.

9 years ago

What a fascinating place! I had never heard of this unique church in Ethiopia before. Thank you for introducing it me to!!

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