James Bond Museum, Orlando
DrFumblefinger visits a most impressive display of James Bond memorabilia — the largest collection in the world — located in the Orlando Auto Museum.
DrFumblefinger visits a most impressive display of James Bond memorabilia — the largest collection in the world — located in the Orlando Auto Museum.
recommended by TravelGumbo
DrFumblefinger shares some of the roadside signs he encountered while traveling across South Dakota.
Samantha and her husband found a lot to believe in in Nashville—including its iconic sign
On a stroll through a small village on Chios ProfessorAbe and his wife unexpectedly encounter colourful paintings around every corner.
More bicycles than you can count, parked or stacked at Rokin station
They never show much respect for human honorees, in this case Frans Anessenns, who fought for Beligain guilds’ rights against
That’s all good information, PHeymont, thanks.
No one knows how the Greek people will react to this, but there is a possibility of riots and demonstrations. Perhaps violence — there is no way of predicting. The crisis will have a major impact on the Greek quality of life. I’ve heard some estimates that if Greece makes a new currency, it will have only a fraction of the buying power of the Euro, perhaps 25 cents on the Euro. That will obviously not be at all well received but its much too early to tell.
So if you travel to Greece this summer, do so with your eyes wide open. I’d avoid large urban areas, avoid crowds, and definitely take along a lot of cash. I believe great bargains are in the near future for those willing to take a little risk.