James Bond Museum, Orlando
DrFumblefinger visits a most impressive display of James Bond memorabilia — the largest collection in the world — located in the Orlando Auto Museum.
DrFumblefinger visits a most impressive display of James Bond memorabilia — the largest collection in the world — located in the Orlando Auto Museum.
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DrFumblefinger shares some of the roadside signs he encountered while traveling across South Dakota.
Samantha and her husband found a lot to believe in in Nashville—including its iconic sign
On a stroll through a small village on Chios ProfessorAbe and his wife unexpectedly encounter colourful paintings around every corner.
DrFumblefinger visits a most impressive display of James Bond memorabilia — the largest collection in the world — located in the Orlando Auto Museum.
DrFumblefinger shares some of the roadside signs he encountered while traveling across South Dakota.
DrFumblefinger shares photos of some of the doors he encountered while touring Morocco.
Wondering about the name “The Palouse, Cheney”, I googled it and this photo, DrF, was the first on their “images” page, with the label “1 day ago”.
Nice to know Google works to our advantage sometime.
The Palouse is the area of rolling farmland in southeastern Washington. Very pretty and sparsely developed country. Cheney is the name of a small town not far from Spokane which is home to Eastern Washington University. Besides education, the only other industry around town is farming.